Rubrika: Nezařazené

  • Constructivist Analysis as a Reconstruction of Psychotherapy (Vladimir Miletić)

    Saying I love Kelly’s personal construct psychology is an understatement. My entire professional identity revolves around his theory, and I strive to embody it, even in the most mundane situations. However, like anyone, I have my critiques, and one of my main issues is that Kelly undersold his own theory when defining the goal of…

  • Does constructivist education work? (Miroslav Filip)

    Constructivist education (CE) has been developed for decades. For its emphasis on learner’s activity, creativity and democratic spirit, CE has been praised as a candidate for what modern education should look like. On the contrary, it has also been criticised by others for excessive looseness and low effectiveness.

  • The Road to Constructivism: Humor, Irony and Milan Kundera (Vladimir Miletić)

    I am not one of those psychotherapists who look to the future because the past is dead or anything as ridiculously optimistic. I like the past, especially when it’s murky and ambivalent. I like re-telling past stories because they unlock different futures. This week, I was saddened to learn that one of my favorite writers…

  • The Empty Heart of Kelly’s Theory (Vladimir Miletić)

    Kelly’s theory is nothing short of a magnificent intellectual achievement. At least for me. Ever since I began reading Kelly over a decade ago, I find myself more and more enchanted by his thinking. And while personal construct psychology (PCP) is the main tool I use in my psychotherapy practice, it is also the way…

  • Publish or Perish (Peter Cummins)

    When I was working within the British NHS the prevailing ethos around Personal Construct Psychology was that people interested in PCP had to publish or see PCP perishing. Such advice often came from the academics within the PCP group. They of course, had to publish as part of their academic career. There were two main…

  • An epidemic of hostility and the story of the people of Krikkit (Miroslav Filip)

    Author: Miroslav Filip During the coronavirus pandemic, societies all over the world have been penetrated by a mixture of anger, distrust, suspiciousness, disgust or hatred. This trend  seems to characterize the pandemic period, which is mirrored in terms such as „an epidemic of hostility“. Although hostility in the pandemic have been manifested in many forms,…